Boulder Colorado Therapy
Internship & Psychotherapist Training Program
Boulder Colorado Therapy
is an expanding holistic psychotherapy clinic offering…
At Boulder Colorado Therapy, we prioritize:
Delivering exceptional client service.
Providing evidence-based treatment for OCD and GAD.
Fostering a collaborative team environment.
Encouraging continual personal and professional growth.
Remaining informed and trained in the latest therapeutic techniques.
Encouraging innovative thinking.
Taking action and implementing ideas without waiting for perfection.
Embracing intrinsic motivation and welcoming proactive clinicians.
Cultivating an environment that excites both clients and team members.
Maintaining a professional yet warm and welcoming atmosphere.
What We Provides
Boulder Colorado Therapy provides internships, practicums, and an array of opportunities for individuals interested in training in:
Psychodynamic psychotherapy
Depth/Jungian psychology
Psychology and spirituality
Couples counseling & child/family therapy
What Sets Us Apart:
Boulder Colorado Therapy provides training opportunities for students who are enrolled in a Masters program or Ph.D. program in clinical psychology, Marriage and family therapy, professional conseling, or clinical soical work. The training program aims to help interns improve their clinical skills as psychotherapists in the community. Trainees engage in a variety of professional activities typical of a community counseling environment.
These activities include:
Conducting intakes and assessments.
Providing individual, couple, and/or child psychotherapy. Strong interest in couple therapy is expected.
Co-facilitating online psych-education groups.
Attending and participating in organization in-service trainings.
Case presentations and peer consultations.
Preparation and participation in clinical supervision with licensed staff members.
Eligibility Requirements:
Enrollment in a master’s or PhD level program.
Approval from the program to seek an internship.
Willingness to make a 12-month, 15-hour per week commitment. Interns begin in two groups: early and late summer.
Please consider your start preference.
Please submit:
A letter of intent with a description of your interest
Documentation from your program delineating the requirements of a placement.
A current CV or resume. Significant time gaps (over 6 months) without work or education should be explained.
(Optional) 1-2 Reference letters, including one from a person who has direct knowledge of your counseling skills, and one from a person who has supervised you in a work environment. Applications that do not include a reference from a supervisor will not be considered.
An unofficial transcript.
A copy of a graded APA academic paper with the professor's comments.